Distance healing is provided upon request free of charge for any living being, however we would encourage anyone able to afford a donation to our currently selected charity to please do so. Please find details of the current charity below.

Simply message us using the form below and your request will be added to the list for our healing circle. This should be seen as complementary to any other treatments and not as a replacement. Under no circumstances should any advice or treatment provided by a healthcare professional be stopped.

Please provide as much or as little detail as you are comfortable with, but bear in mind we need to know who requires healing and the nature of what they need healing from. This information provided will only be used for the purposes of the healing circle, will not be shared with anyone outside of Dream Amethyst Witchery, will be treated as completely confidential at all times and will deleted at the end of the healing period.

Our current selected charity is the Zero Suicide Alliance. Please follow the link to their website, where you will find the option donate as well as information about their vital work. If the issues supported by ZSA resonate with yourself or someone close to you, you will also find help about who to contact. Even if you are unable to support them financially at the moment, thank you for investigating them.

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