How can I become more witch

Witch Way: How can I be more Witch?

So you want to be a witch, but don’t know where to start? Or you are a witch but yearn to be even more witchy? No problem, I’ve got you covered. Just follow these instructions to the letter and take the multiple choice test at the end and you qualify as a witch….. only joking!

The reason you’re probably investigating this is because there is no prescribed format to be followed, no uniform to be worn. It’s more just a frame of mind that makes us witches. And just like everyone is an individual, your inner witch is different to mine and everyone else’s too. So don’t feel like you need to do any particular things to make you a better witch because there’s no right or wrong.

I want to take a look at some of the witchy themes out there though to try and gather some basic consensus. You don’t have to agree with my thoughts, but I hope it facilitates reflection upon your witch. Are you nurturing or neglecting them? Do any of the ideas presented resonate with you particularly? If so, why not use this as a catalyst for exploration. Whether that is greater depth in a current interest or taking your first step in a whole new direction, try it!

Which Witch Are You?

Throughout history and across different cultures, the concept of a witch has fascinated and captivated the human imagination. It’s certainly captured mine and seeing as you’re reading this it seems to have captured yours! From ancient folklore to modern depictions in literature and films, witches have been portrayed in various ways. Pointy hats, warty noses, cackling laughter. But what exactly are the characteristics that define a witch? And how do I get a warty nose? Hopefully you’ll come to see that you don’t need a warty nose, but you may learn why witches are often depicted with them. This article delves into the multifaceted nature of witches and explores the common traits associated with them. It doesn’t mean you need to do everything listed though to graduate from Witch University!

Trials and Tribulations:

To understand the characteristics of a witch, it is important to examine the historical context surrounding the concept. In many societies, witches were perceived as individuals who possessed supernatural powers and were believed to harness the forces of magic. This often led to them being regarded with fear and suspicion, resulting in persecution and witch hunts. From the infamous Salem Witch Trials in colonial America to the witchcraft trials in Europe during the Middle Ages, accusations of witchcraft were often based on certain attributes and behaviors associated with witches.

Whilst thankfully times have now changed, external attitudes to witchcraft often range from patronisation of our apparently deluded minds to outright religious bigotry towards an individuals beliefs. Whatever else you decide to take or otherwise from any of this, please at the very least take this. You have the right to express your opinions and beliefs, free from persecution. As I’ve already tried to put across, your opinion of what makes you a witch is right for you. It is also a human right for you.

Can You Spell, Witch?:

One of the key characteristics attributed to witches is their ability to perform magic. They are often believed to possess knowledge and skills that transcend the natural world. These magical powers can include casting spells, brewing potions, divination, and communing with spirits. Witches are often depicted as having an intimate connection with nature, allowing them to manipulate and channel its energies for their purposes. The notion of wielding supernatural abilities is a defining characteristic of witches in many cultural traditions.

So we perform rituals, say chants, manifest thoughts. Does this mean that they work every time, otherwise you aren’t a witch? Not at all, in fact it would be pretty arrogant to think it should. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try though, and if you try enough you’ll begin to see that practise really can pay off. The universe will hear you, it just takes time to answer normally and not always in the way you imagined!

Natural Affinity:

Another prominent characteristic of witches is their close affinity with nature. Witches are often portrayed as living in harmony with the natural world, drawing inspiration and power from its elements. They may be depicted as herbalists, utilising plants and natural remedies for healing or enchantment. Additionally, witches are often associated with the cycles of the moon and the changing seasons. This symbolism exhibits their connection to the rhythms of nature. So the answer here is to work with nature; ride the waves, listen to the wind, harvest inspiration. You don’t need a black cat though. If you’ve already got one, or you love cats and you really want one, that’s fine. If you don’t have one and don’t want one, that’s fine too. What you should consider though is taking some time out of every day to watch nature. Learn to love its beauty and enjoy its simple pleasures.

Witch Way To Look?:

Witches are commonly associated with specific symbols and tools that are emblematic of their craft. The pointed hat, broomstick, and cauldron have become iconic representations of witches in popular culture. The hat is believed to symbolize the cone of power, focusing and directing energy, while the broomstick represents the ability to fly and travel between realms. The cauldron is often associated with transformation and the brewing of potions. These symbols serve as visual shorthand for identifying witches and their magical practices.

So do you need these badges of honour? No you don’t, not really. If you want to overtly identify yourself to the World as a witch then you probably should, but you can be just as much of a witch whilst exercising discretion. After all, you should be doing this for your beliefs, not for Halloween fancy dress competitions. That said, if you feel this helps or it’s important to display your beliefs so others understand you, this may be the way to do it.

She’s/He’s/They’re a Witch!:

Throughout history, witches have been predominantly portrayed as women. The association between femininity and witchcraft can be traced back to deeply rooted societal fears and prejudices against women who defied traditional gender roles and exhibited independent behavior. The stereotype of the old, haggard witch with a hooked nose and warts on her face reflects society’s attempts to demonize powerful women who were seen as a threat to patriarchal structures. However, it is important to recognize that witchcraft is not exclusive to any particular gender or stereotype. You really can come as you are, indeed the more individual the better. We all have our own personalities and characteristics so these need to form the basis of everything you are. You certainly should not try to play a part and act differently, just be yourself.

Ethical Witchery:

The moral compass of witches varies depending on cultural beliefs and individual interpretations. In some folklore and literature, witches are depicted as malevolent beings, using their powers to cause harm and chaos. On the other hand, witches can also be portrayed as wise healers or spiritual guides, using their abilities for the benefit of others. The dichotomy between good and evil witches highlights the complex nature of witchcraft and the ethical implications associated with its practice. My own interpretation is that whilst everyone has the right to express their faith and beliefs, this should not impact negatively upon others. If you start to introduce harmful witchcraft practices into the World, don’t be surprised if they come back to bite you! On the other hand, if you’re being attacked in some way, you can protect yourself.


The characteristics of a witch encompass a rich tapestry of traits and symbolism. From their magical abilities and connection to nature to the stereotypes and symbols that have evolved around them, witches continue to captivate our imagination. It is important to remember that the concept of a witch is not limited to a singular definition, but rather reflects the diverse interpretations found in different cultures and historical periods. Whether viewed as figures of fear or sources of empowerment, witches remain enduring and intriguing. So don’t worry about how others may regard, even judge, witchcraft. You cannot control the prejudices and misconceptions of others, but you do have the power to exercise your own opinions in your own unique style. Embroider yourself into the tapestry, however you wish!

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Dream Amethyst Witchery
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